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I can’t fine foxys coins I have the one in the bucket and the one under the hat but I can’t find the last one, I’ve check comments and they’ve said in the washroom garbage bin but there just isn’t one

(2 edits) (+1)

uhh I just found an interesting bug ngl when you help chica and after when you go to puppet for the "guide me" if you click on chica it just plays the foxy scene where you touch her boobs and she gets mad lol

EDIT: I finished the game but idk how to find the chica blowjob scene i tried everything and game is kinda broken rn so i will be waiting for an answer or an update. Other than it is really good

Go to kitchen and chica will tell to to buy her cleaning supplies

Can someone tell me where to find notes for Boni? I'm so dumb that I don't understand where to find them? I'll be grateful if someone tells me where to find them.

they are on wall next to door to basement and don't worry it happens to me too i find them by accident :DD

I understood, thank you, I just clicked and didn't find anything there. 

I press something and it doesn't work.

is this it?


yes it is smaler one

It doesnt work for me.

you need to speak to Fredy(i forgot wat her substitute name was)and then it will let you collect it once she tells you where it is

Deleted 108 days ago

probably next year


Nope, not cancelled haha

Deleted 114 days ago

you need puppet with you to enter that room i think 

I can't seem to get the puppet to come back down and I need to enter room to kill the endoskeletons

try finish other girls missions first this might help i am not sure it was long since i done that sorry

(2 edits) (+1)

What is the last night? Also, how do I get Mangle? And is it just oral sex or are you able to fuck them later? Lastly, I am liking the game so far👍

How I can find Puppet?

there is a key under the cupcake and she is in the closet

Deleted post

there has been nothing to suggest so

Its 100% thet tare ar not possesd 

Deleted post

Foxy is my favorite animatronic rn.


  I'm reading a lot of comments demanding a new update or new features (which would be appreciated), but really, it's only been around 5 months without any updates at this point, but Dariusoko will have a life outside this too. The job of a programmer is hard, and we don't really know what's behind all this. Plus, it's totally free for everyone. I feel like the best thing to do is just be patient, wait, and trust that the next update will be good and worth the wait.  

(1 edit) (+11)

Everyone asking when 0.7 comes out or "is it abandoned. I know it's taking time but like... let's be honest. At least this guy is not yandere dev.

(1 edit)

when is 0.7? i know dariusoko said its not, but i think its abandoned unless we get a rough time of when it will be out at the least.

Hes been working on it. Ive seen updates on his patreon.



is it abandoned, if not could we at least get some news


It's not !


then give us some news!!!!!!!!!!!


Help! How do i complete the second Bonnie Quest?


looking good on the art btw, you'll keep doing better in time


It would be better if Foxy didn't have a dick.


public execution


isn't that a bit harsh ?

we could  just leave him in room with foxy for rest of his life :D


Then they would probably remove the game from their devices and leave a worse review.




every animatronic should have a dick actually




and why the hell do they make animatronic girls in fnaf porn games and why do they draw a dick specifically on foxy? The second game is already like that


updaaaaaaate. plsssss. 0.7 0.7 0.7 -_-


i know dariusoko said its not abandoned multiple times but if we don't get at least a rough date like "sometime next month" ill begin to think its abandoned again, i get game development is hard but how long will this take? so is it abandoned?

at least 1 full year with no info about the updates.

that is what i call abandoned


When's the next update?


Hey dariosuko, how many more scenes are left you plan on making until the release for patreon and public? 


Will it be possible to disable futanari content in the future?

How do we go in the room with the endoskeletons

Go down to the basement then click/tap on the back right door

How to fight endoskeleton  and how to find them Can you help me? 

Hiw do i get a bat to fight the endoskeletons?

you can order it on the computer


Will there be footjob in a future update?


Been waiting for 8 months now..... Is the update coming before or after October for obvious reasons


I'm wondering that too, maybe there will be a Halloween themed part of the update.


Hopefully lol


maybe you can put costumes on the girls if there is a Halloween part.


Dought that tbh but that would a nice feature including that if in alternate scenes where they wear the costumes for certain scenes whether be for the sus scenes or not would be a nice feature to have. Just a suggestion tho 

let not give dariusoko ideas, we don't want this to take longer.

How I can into room with exoskeletons? When I mouse over a door, it doesn't light up and I can't click on it.

you need to have puppet with you when you open it.

i beat the endos easy after i upgraded my bat

Hey Darius, either you are on vacay or this is going to be a fat ass update (like fredina c;) but either way hope you can finish soon

i think this game has potential but i think you need to put more time into making more animations

Please make more content for Foxy!

Ses sabem quando vai ser lançado a nova atualização 

Quando vai sair atualização eu já estou ansioso para os novos conteúdos

is this abandoned now, or did something happen with the author?


Not abandoned!

then when will you be trying to get it out?


How do I get mingled foot job I fixed her already and springtrappy


just click "check on her" in dialogue with mangle

I tried that.

im stuck on the fix the magle part i found everything accenpt from the pussy part thing

its in the closet


I truly hate to sound pushy, but when is the next update?

Deleted 164 days ago
Deleted 167 days ago
Deleted 155 days ago
(1 edit)

get all the sec escenes with the animatronics upstairs once thats done youll get a call about not going to the basement, youll unlock a flashlight to get down there and get puppet to acompany you, and thats it

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